Cookies Policy

Cookies are small text files that can be placed on your device to help our website function correctly. They do this by remembering your preferences such as language, font size, data regarding the way you display information on your screen, and how you interact with our website.

We use the following cookies:-

Google Analytics –  provided by Google, these cookies count how many people visit our site and how they navigate through the various components of our site. This information allows us to improve the way our website works with the aim of enhancing the user experience

Third-party cookies – We use cookies provided by third-parties such as Twitter and Youtube. You can learn more about these cookies from the respective third-party websites.

Our cookies are not used to identify you personally and are not used for any purpose other than those described above.

You can delete cookies from your electronic device or set up your web browser to block cookies. This will not stop the website working, but it may reduce some of the functionality.

To learn more about cookies and how they work visit